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LiveAds - Realtime banner editing

Now we present a new innovative product, LiveAds, developed in collaboration between Fradhouse and IntraMedia.


LiveAds is a new and innovative online banner management system that gives you a unique overview and editing capabilities of all your banner advertising on the Internet.

You and your employees can quickly and easily update your banners and requires no technical skills to this. It is possible to make updates and add content around the clock via the central management system and changes take effect immediately throughout the day without need of contacting your ad provider.

You can even make changes to banners that run "live"on an external page, for example Business Week, Times Magazine etc. Thus you should not need to get your ad provider, you change only the banner in LiveAds, and within seconds of when you selected "Publish", then it will be changed and run online at ad provider.

Read more about LiveAds and the many benefits here, and try a free demo.

IntraMedia - Kattesundet 12 A, DK-1458 Copenhagen K. - Phone no.: +45 35 35 32 50 - E-mail: